InterviewsLes femmes d'Afrique


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1- Bonjour, avant tout, pouvez-vous vous présenter, nous raconter votre parcours et vos activités

Hello, Mys name is Salma IZGUNAN, I am currently in my third year of studying Economics and Management at Mohammedia. Alongside my studies, I serve as the Head of Influencer Marketing and Event Organizer. My role involves creating impactful campaigns in collaboration with influencers and organizing memorable events for our clients.

2- Et votre vie professionnelle

I am passionate about digital marketing, a field that offers new learning opportunities every day. The dynamic nature of marketing provides a chance to explore diverse challenges and strategies, keeping me motivated and engaged.

3- Et pourquoi ce secteur d’activité

I find great satisfaction in connecting influencers with brands. This sector allows me to combine creativity with strategy, while seeing the direct impact of our efforts on brand-audience relationships.

4– Quels sont vos projets à venir ?

I am preparing several exciting events for the coming months and working on innovative strategies for influencer campaigns. My goal is to continuously enhance our approaches to achieve outstanding results and provide exceptional experiences.

5- Quels sont les moments ou événements qui ont changé votre vie

The first event I organized for Binance was a major turning point in my career. It allowed me to discover my true passion and solidified my desire to work in influencer marketing, showing me the positive impact I can make in this field.

6– Quel est votre conseil pour les femmes qui veulent réussir ?

Patience is crucial. It’s important to persevere even in the face of setbacks and to always value your own work. Be sociable and flexible, respect yourself, and follow your passions with determination.

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7- Votre avis sur la situation de la femme

Women now have more freedom to choose their paths and express their aspirations. It is vital to continue supporting this freedom and promoting environments where every woman can achieve her goals without constraints.

8– Votre avis sur le site ?

I wish to lemondefeminin success. Thank you for this opportunity to share my experience. It is a pleasure to contribute to a platform that values women’s voices.

9– Dernier mot ?

Thank you again for this interview. I am delighted to share my journey and hope it will inspire other women to pursue their dreams and believe in their potential.


Entretien réalisé par Aziz HARCHA
Aout 2024

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